Cancer Research UK is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in everything that it does, because cancer is a disease that doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, irrespective of their age, ethnicity, gender identity, religion or sexual orientation. That’s why we're proud to support the LGBTQIA+ community.
Cancer survival in the UK has doubled since the 1970s and Cancer Research UK’s work has been at the heart of that progress. But we still need to do more. Our ambition is to accelerate progress and see 3 in 4 people surviving cancer for 10 years or more by 2034.
We can only achieve this by everyone, from diverse backgrounds, uniting and working together.
Cancer prevention and early diagnosis is an important part of increasing survival, and that’s where the Cancer Awareness Roadshow comes in.
The Cancer Awareness Roadshow sets off to talk to people about cancer. Our Cancer Awareness nurses chat to people about how small health changes can reduce their cancer risk, encourage them to know what’s normal for their body and give them confidence to go to the GP with any concerns. Spotting cancer early can make a real difference as treatment is more likely to be successful when cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. Our experienced nurses help thousands of people every year and so far we’ve reached over half a million people.
Our four regional teams travel around Scotland, North West, North East and London in the areas we’re needed most. We mostly set up outdoors, but you can find us in shopping centres, libraries or other community venues.
We often return to the same venues to give us an opportunity to provide ongoing support to people, and for people we’ve chatted with to come back and let us know how they’re getting on or for further help and signposting.
Opening times vary but generally you can visit anytime between 10am and 4pm, Tuesday to Thursday.
For more information about Cancer Research UK visit www.cruk.org
For more information about the Cancer Awareness Roadshow, including where we’ll be visit www.cruk.org/roadshow
Other services and information from Cancer Research UK:
Visit www.cruk.org/health to learn more about how to help reduce the risk of cancer.
Visit www.cruk.org/spotcancerearly for more about the signs and symptoms of cancer.
Find information about cancer at www.cruk.org/about-cancer.
Find information about screening for Trans and non-binary people at www.cruk.org/screening.
Talk to a Cancer Research UK cancer nurse on Freephone 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm).
Get support from others on our online forum at www.cruk.org/cancerchat.
Train to feel confident having conversations about cancer and health www.cruk.org/talkcancer