In line with the theme unapologetically visible, this year’s March will again see thousands of community members, allies, local people and businesses come together to fill the streets of Newcastle with a colourful message of hope.
Organisers are keen to showcase how ‘unapologetically visible’ means different things to each individual and is based on their personal and lived experiences. The march offers the opportunity for people to come together to celebrate all of the ways in which people can be unapologetically visible, with one clear and collective goal in mind, to be seen and to be heard.


The March will begin at 12:00PM, starting from the Civic centre, those taking part will pass through the iconic Northumberland Street and historic Grey's Monument, which is also playing host to this year’s Market Village. The March will continue through the city before ending back at the civic centre to continue the celebrations across the city centre for the rest of the weekend.
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE99 1PB
what3words.com ///filled.bubble.logic


The Newcastle Pride March remains the focal point for the event and continues to be free for all to take part.
For groups of 10 or more, we encourage online registration to help with the safe planning and delivery of the event.
We suggest that any organisation or companies, large groups who wish to showcase their brand within the march, consider a small donation of £3 per person.